Everything is more Fun with a Crazy Friend

Published: March 16th 2012
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Serious MarrySerious MarrySerious Marry

What happens when we video chat...
So I have this crazy friend...

her name is Marry. She is almost always my partner in crime for any given situation that may be deemed a bit, well, crazy. I received a message from her yesterday out of the blue that went something like this,

Marry- "Hi. Ok. I apparently get there at 11am"

Me- "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

Marry- "Am I too late?"


Marry- "Haha I'm finishing booking my ticket now."

...And so my friend Marry will be meeting me in Barcelona on the 20th and staying with me until the 28th. We had talked about her coming and hangingout with me for a week, but then decided it wouldn't work out for her. Thus, I had began mentally preparing my solo journey. I am not the least bit surprised that I randomly received these text messages from her.

We are not very good at planning anything ever and so we are keeping our schedules pretty open. We do however love to pretend to plan our trips out with hours worth of conversing over video chat which is always immensely entertaining but somewhat useless.
Oh just hanging out in front of Big BenOh just hanging out in front of Big BenOh just hanging out in front of Big Ben

A fun memory from our last trip together... we got a lot of double takes wearing these bad boys
It only took us three hours to book our first two nights in a hostel in Barcelona, and that's all the further we really got. We chose the hostel "ONE sants" because it has great ratings and because they offer a sit down dinner every night for everyone in the hostel.

This one time....

I know that we will create many more memories to add to our bank of silly things that we've done together. The last trip we went on together was our UK trip. It's quite a funny story that I feel like reliving by telling it right at this moment....

One day I called up Marry and said, "Marry, I want to go on a trip. The first place that you say is where we will go..." to which she responded, "London!" Now, I was thinking that she would have said Florida or California, you know somewhere within the US, but I didn't specify so we figured all was fare. We video chatted for six hours and bought tickets to London and left four days later. After visiting with three different friends in England we decided we should fly to
Ireland because it was so close. We nearly got rejected at the airport and had to lie about having a place to stay and gave a false address in order for them to let us in the country. After a couple days in Ireland we thought, well this is silly why not fly to Scotland, and so we did. It was in Scotland that my favorite memory of the trip occured...

Marry and I arrived in Edinburgh at 1am and made our way to a hostel we had booked online the day before. We opened the door to our 4 bed dorm to find a 40 something year old Czech man writing in a journal. After introducing ourselves he asked us if we had seen much of city... we answered that we had not because we were only just arriving. His English was broken and slow but somehow he managed to ask us if we wanted to go for a ride in his company van with him right then and there at 1am in the morning for a personal tour of the city. We politely said "Yes, of course!" He told us that he would meet us downstairs and to come down once we got our things settled. We then looked at each other after he had left and said, "Wait... what? Are we really going to get into a van with some man we just met who speaks very little English and drive around a foreign city in the middle of the night with him in his company van?" We both realized it sounded crazy but we had already told him yes so we thought, what the hell why not?

I have to say that it probably was not the most thought out decision we have ever made, but in the end it was the most amazing tour I have ever had. The city was beautiful at midnight and no one was around to get in the way of pictures!! 😊 We ended up going places and seeing things we otherwise would not have. All in all, this situation would never have happened with anyone but Marry and I think that's why I love her so much!

I am so excited to start my trip off with a great friend!


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