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January 18th 2009
Published: January 18th 2009
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Are we packing this?Are we packing this?Are we packing this?

Mom is trying to make some sort of sense of all the stuff in my room.
Far away places with strange-soundin' names
Far away over the sea
Those far away places with the strange-soundin' names
Are callin', callin' me--Bing Crosby

I'm off! Well, maybe not yet. But tomorrow!

It is so hard to believe that something that used to be six, three, two months away is now only a day. As usual with something this big, I don't think what you is doing hits you until right before. People have been asking, "Are you excited?" The answer is yes, and no. Of course I'm excited, because I'm going to a new country. I'm doing something that I've dreamt of doing since middle school.

But I'm also quite nervous, which is normal I guess. Learning a language, how to do the trams, and in general just getting is making me anxious.

The nervousness is not for a lack of planning. It is kind of ironic that my mom knows the most about the trip and what is going to happen while it is my dad and I going. She already knows what neighborhood I live in and what bus I'm going to take to school. My dad and I will be happy just get to our hotel! I don't know how we are going to survive without all her knowledge! I guess we can't get too far haha.

I'm really glad my dad is coming with me, if only for the suitcase factor. Packing for three seasons is not easy. My room was a disaster and it took quite some time before we could figure out what I was taking. I think we got most everything, but there are still some things we are buying over there (hair dryer, pillows) and other things I'm forgetting (????).

So why The Hague? Well for years I wanted to go to France. However when I really started looking I made the decision that I wanted to go somewhere to really experience Europe and learn a lot. If I had gone to France, my French would get better, but that is all I would learn. At De Haage Hogeschool (the Dutch name of my university) I'm taking everything from Dutch language to International Organisations to Pop Culture (I should say I hope to take these. In reality I haven't registered for classes yet. More about that fun situation later!)

I looked at everything when choosing my school, and really The Hague just kind of popped out at me. My classes are in English, and its a very cosmopolitan sort of city. It is a hub for political activity: the International Court of Justice is located there, along with Europol and tons of other such organizations. I think it will be great for my interest in politics, and will tell me if I really like this major!

I have to say there have been things I'm not looking forward to. The rain, for instance. I hate the rain. And it rains a lot in The Hague. Also, I'm not so sure about the food. Pea soup and pickled herring sounds....interesting. But the whole thing about traveling (that I profess to love) is that you are experiencing new places, ideas, and just THINGS in general. So I need to get used to the idea and have fun with all the differences.

Another thing worrying me is the fact that so much about the school is up in the air. We register for classes once we get there and have orientation; a week before such classes start. Also, there is no set schedule for anything it seems. I don't know when my breaks are or when classes end. Ahhh!

I go into this great adventure with a lot unknown and to be discovered. I guess that is traveling!


19th January 2009

Oh Teale!!
Teale! I can't believe you're going! I know you made the right choice though! You're going to learn so much, and it's going to be so much fun! I'm sure you'll live without knowing the semester's breaks for a little bit... ;)
21st January 2009

Have a Great Time!
Hi Teale, Thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful time and lots of "happiness." I look forward to hearing updates of your time abroad. Take Care, Allison

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