Travel Like a Pro: Top Tips from Frequent Business Travelers

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July 30th 2018
Published: July 30th 2018
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While exploring new cities and visiting beautiful destinations is exciting, the actual business of traveling isn’t always pleasant. There are a lot of things to plan and prepare, hassles to go through, and even some inconveniences to deal with as you travel to different destinations around the globe.

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The more you travel, the more you know exactly how to make traveling more manageable and enjoyable at the same time. To help you travel like a pro, we spoke to frequent business travelers and top CEOs for some interesting travel tips and tricks.

Give Yourself Time

Getting to the airport early, waking up early to catch the sunrise before your hotel breakfast, and leaving early for your flight home are all easy things to do, but they are easy things that will change how you feel about traveling substantially. You want to give yourself enough time so that you don’t have to rush through everything.

“I always give myself enough time when traveling. That way, I can be more relaxed, even when going through airport security or dealing with problems while traveling,” says Stefan Gleason, President of Money Metals Exchange. “Knowing that you have enough time makes traveling better.”

Travel Light

“Traveling light is a challenge, but you get used to packing the right things after a few trips,” according to David Baddeley. As the CEO of, he travels a lot and has a lot of practice in traveling light. “You don’t have to lug around big suitcases all the time.”

Traveling light has its advantages. For starters, getting through security and checking in are easier to do when you don’t have too many bags to carry. If you can pack everything into a backpack or a cabin-friendly suitcase, you also don’t have to worry about waiting for your bags when arriving.

As Baddeley said, traveling light takes some getting used to. You can learn more about how many shirts you have to bring and how to fold them to conserve space here on TravelBlog.

Think Security

When packing essential items, however, you want to have some extra for protection. For example, you should always have emergency cash in your carry-on. The same can be said for other essentials like medication and batteries for your devices.

Hunter Payne, the owner of HomeLinkCincinati Corporate Housing & Furnished Apartments, has another travel trick that you can use. He recommends researching the destination city and finding out about where you can get essential items that you might need before your trip.

“I always check whether I can buy meds or spare phone chargers should I need to. Knowing where to get the essentials is a huge plus, since you can deal with sudden emergencies without panicking.”

Fortunately, many travel destinations offer a complete array of stores, emergency facilities, and other amenities. You should be able to deal with any type of emergency easily with a bit of research beforehand.

These are the travel tips and tricks to keep in mind if you want to travel like a pro. Do you have your own travel hacks and tips? Share them in the Comments section down below.


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