Another day, another state, another hotel room

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April 2nd 2007
Published: April 2nd 2007
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Ft. Knox to Cincinnati

Ft. Knox to Cincinnati
Kristin B.
Here I am! In lovely, wonderful Cincinnati! I am so in love with this hotel room I have decided not to drive to Michigan tomorrow. I was only coming up to grab a carful of stuff, but decided there was nothing I desperately needed. That, and there's a Saks outlet across the street in the mall. I'll just come up for finals like I had planned, so my friends, be on the lookout! I should be home around the 23rd!

I'm also getting an amazing chance to catch up (and even get ahead) with my homework. Like I mentioned, finals are coming up, and I'd like to be less stressed with them this semester. I have final projects due as well, ugh. I will be booked solid through all of May, but when June gets here, I finally get to relax some. I mean, I don't just have to move myself. I have to help get Jerry's stuff into storage (woohoo Army packout!). But we should be completely settled in June. I'm so ready for that!

I have to admit, being away from my friends is wearing on me. I'm a little lonely for some girl time. I love my new husband, but he's most definitely a boy LOL. Sorry, honey, shoe shopping with you is fun, but just not the same! I will admit that my sister in law is a Godsend, for conversation and an ally against my mother in law. Due to recent events, my SIL is now my hero!

I'm sitting perched on one of the prettiest hotel beds I've ever been in. In a very pretty hotel room. I'm thoroughly impressed with this city so far LOL, even though all I care about is this bed and the mall across the street!

Anyhow, I'm going to play Sims now while Jerry watches basketball and sings along with the Pussycat Dolls. Welcome to my world LOL!


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