Haiti, here I come!

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August 21st 2014
Published: August 21st 2014
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It's just after 5am. I've been up since 3am, still stuffed from a dinner of home cooked Korean food and NY pizza- a deadly combo of intestinal magnitude. Surely, that was a mistake as I sit here blogging from the airport. I'm on my way to Haiti. What to expect? I'm unsure, but that's the beauty of travel. I still have lesson plans yet to write for the students. I was given the wonderful opportuity to create a first aid program to teach to 6 elementary schools. How many students? That, I am unsure of. I was told that word was spreading to other villages. Others were coming. This news was both frightening and exciting. But, in true fashion, I take deep breaths and revel in the excitement (a skill I have finally been able to master after 39 years).

I'm not sure where I am staying, what kind of food to expect, or what my schedule is. Since my entire life is a schedule when working, this is always a welcome change. Just go with it...

I'm at a point in my life where my goals are clear, where dreams are becoming reality, where every step taken is purposeful. I am carving happiness with my own two hands, relishing the hard work it takes to make it so. I've discovered that joy is a practice. It's easy to be miserable because most of us let the environment affect us. Plus, complaining seems to be the norm these days. You can see it all over social media and conversations with less than centered people, a majority of the population. The secret to being happy? It comes from within and it's very simple- "Do whatever the fuck you want, say whatever the fuck you want." Of course, this comes with some caveats, like observing social norms, not being reaction seeking, emanating from a place of authenticity and honesty. There's more, but this is a simple blog. I'm going to do my best to keep these all in mind, but in the end, I know where my words come from. Hopefully, I wont offend too many people along the way. But if I do, I really don't care....


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