Day1 - Shippin' Up To Boston!

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April 18th 2008
Published: April 25th 2008
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We left Ohio at 6:00 in the human beings should be up that early! Dad, his fiance, my nephew, and myself drove the 760 miles by van to Boston. On the way, we found gas steadily increasing as we went East. Traffic went smoothly everywhere except for Cleveland. Being raised around flatness my entire life, the New York hills quite amazed me.

After 12 hours, we stopped in Troy, New York where my Aunt Lori lives. Amazing town! The locals who live there are so much more friendly than in Ohio. They just chill on their front porches and as you walk by they say, "Hey, want to stop for a drink?" They don't even know who you are, but they still open up their homes.

Lori gave us the tour and offered to let us stay the night and eat at a local Latin Diner (not Latin as in hispanic, but Latin as in dead language) Dad and Cheryl admittedly said they're not much for trying new foods so we left. How they could say no after the place smelled like Dexter's Jamaican here at home, I don't know. Anyway, we left and continued on to Westborough outside of Boston where we had the worst pizza I've ever had.


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