Day2 - Shippin' Up to Boston

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April 19th 2008
Published: May 2nd 2008
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I hardly slept at all the first night in the hotel because my nephew snores like it's his job, but I made due. We got some breakfast at Friendly's and then made our way towards the city. We boarded the green line in West Borrough and took the train 40 minutes downtown.

The city immediately greeted us. As soon as we stepped onto the surface, I saw a man dressed like some kind of priest dancing in the median of a very busy street. He was picture worthy.

Even though it was my 2nd time to Boston, the city still blows me away. It's beautiful! The building are upright, ungraffitied, and have all their windows intact! Being from Toledo I'm not used to this. Boston is unique in that you'll have a church or a house built in 1700 next to a 20 story building built in 2003. It's amazing.

Our first stop was the marathon expo where my dad picked up his running number and time keeping chip. The expo is a big convention where everyone from Nike to Gatorade shows up to pedal their stuff. Free samples abound! I tried all natural yogurt, cereal, cajun rice (amazing!), powdered juice, and egg-white cubes. I even tried these bowed out shoes that purposely make you off balance so even walking is an exercise.

From there we checked our Cheers where Preston and I got our pictures taken with Norm (cutout Norm). What more could you ask for? besides real Norm. Then we just walked around the backbay on our way back to the expo and I became a picture-taking fool.

When we were in Prudential Center after the expo, we were talking about possibly getting dinner in the restaurant at the top of Prudential Tower. So the guy who sells the tickets to up there goes, "Hey. You don't want to go up there? They'll charge you $15 for a burger. But I tell you what, you go around the corner over by Arlington Station and there's a place called Davio's. You go there tonight and come back tomorrow and tell me how it is." Well we took the man's advice and went to Davio's......Davio's serves $40 spaghetti. Apparently the ticket seller has a more successful relative that runs Davio's. We just left and went to Legal Seafood Company which last time I went was amazing. This time I ordered the Boston Baked Scrod and it was disgusting; same with the yams they served with it. I ordered massive flaky coconut shrimp served with pineapple jelly to make up for it though. I succeeded.


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