Has that taco truck ever moved? I thought if it didn't move, it needs a different license

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May 28th 2014
Published: May 28th 2014
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It has been quite a while since I last posted, and I almost forgot my password to the site. Things that have happened in recent times; the Nets made it to the playoffs, got through to the quarters to be taken out by the Heat. They lost to the Heat away and the one win at home was not enough to stop the Heat in their dominant tracks. I went hiking in Cold Springs, NY, which was pleasant. It was really nice to get away from the city and check out the suburbs. I also visited Niagara Falls; the Canadians are very friendly but the food isn't that great. Though, the eight hour car journey there and the same back was not enjoyable. Though the stamp in my passport does bring a smile to my face, as it is stamped as 'rainbow bridge'.

This past weekend I went to Chicago! It is a very accessible and interesting city. The architecture has a fairly young history. As you know, I watch a lot of television swinging from the intellectually challenging to the socially inescapable real housewives of different cities...I had a view of Chicago from Giuliana and Bill (found on E! channel), and it is very much like that. It is family orientated and artsy. While there, I visited Milwaukee for the day, as depicted in 'That 70's show'. I loved the contrast between the two cities, Milwaukee is very bohemian and creative. If you ever feel like visiting the mid northern states, you should definitely check out these cities. The weather was so good, it was warm and sunny most days and I have a golden suntan the kind that St Tropez try to bottle.

I have sustained a new injury; courtesy of a baseball flung at me at 55 mph close range! But, I am a trooper and arnica gel is my best friend.

This incident occurred during my birthday celebrations; which involved going to Brooklyn to see Dumpstafunk, a funk band with a crazily talented drummer, bowling at midnight and then not competing (I didn't register) in a fifties dance off. The best part was walking to the taco truck in Williamsburg with my friends singing happy birthday. The weekend was so full of activity that I didn't really have time to consider my age. My body is a little less robust, these injuries are probably not helping, sometimes I creak when picking things up but that has been for many years now. In all honesty (honesty is always the best policy), I feel old, and I don't much like it.

My boss asks everyone to bring a cake in on their birthday, and then we have teatime in a conference room eating cake. I was asked how old I am, which I politely declined to answer, using the excuse that my boss whose birthday it was previously did not share such information. I have not reached the point where I will own age, maybe that is the late twenties for you. Or maybe its the competitiveness of our generation in a place like New York, that by 23 we ought to have completed studies, fitted in a gap year and we should be in high flying careers, with a view to selecting garden furniture for our new apartment terraces (that can be quite fun). Around the conference table there are Ivy league educated, multi lingual, brilliant individuals. I didn't even follow through with Japanese lessons (though it is a mission to get to Chinatown from the west side). Though, I do feel that I have grown more in this year then in any other, which I wouldn't trade for fluency in any language (possibly Spanish, as it suits my Latina look).

Birthdays are tricky for all the reflection they bring about, though as I write this I am eating sour patch kids, some things are simply ageless.


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