NY day 1

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September 26th 2007
Published: September 26th 2007
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Morning/afternoon all

Just got back from a long days walking and found out the internet in the hotel we are staying in is free, so we are abusing their generosity.

Just quickly, as its just past 6pm over here and the news is on..are you guys getting all this crap with the Iran president on the news back there? hes in NY at the moment doing speeches containing such gems as 'we dont have homosexuals in my country'. Its all good stuff. But the media over here really flog any news to death. Last week was OJ doing stuff and swearing and this week is the Iran guy who is just comical looking. His eyes are so close together...he kinda looks blind but crazy.

Abbey would like to know also if its daylight savings over there yet? And if so, has it always been in September that it changes?

Anyway, enough crap talk. We spent today on the lower half of Manhattan, going to the Statue of Liberty, then up Wall st, looking at the Bull sculpture with giant testicles. Seriously, people had photos taken with those bad boys. Some people held them...some were licking I think...God bless this country. Apparently its an attraction that Abbey read about in her book.

After Wall St we went up to look at the World Trade Centre. They arent there anymore. Apparently we have an old map.

Nah, thats harsh. Its just a big ass construction site now and they are building some awesome things there, including one big 'F#@K YOU TERRORISTS!' building thats about 1000 stories high.

Then we played Subway Tag. It basically involves getting lost underground in NY. And trying to figure out the colour coding system to find our way home. To be fair we only got on one wrong train. Not bad really.

From there it was a walk through Greenwich Village to look at...squirrels. Its a big University spot, so if you think I talk shit, you should hear some of these guys.

Finally it was a trip to the top of the Empire State building with some awesome views. Including one to Central Park which is our main destination for tomorrow.

My favourite thing so far here is the way people walk. Basically you have to know where you are going before you step out. People will run you down without blinking. At some stages today Abbey had to ride on my back as I fended off people with short bursts of sprinting...ok... jogging...ok...walking up Broadway. Great fun.

Till next time,
Jon and Abbey


27th September 2007

Ny sounds Great!!!! Abbey day light saving starts this weekend and no its usually October but we get extra light time now. About 30 people will give you that info now!! Enjoy the rest of your stay in New York Tracey xxx
27th September 2007

New York New York
Hi Guys Preps underway for the birthday party of the month/year/century/for ever.... Presents wrapped,decorations going up (Are yu guys having a nice Christmas over there???...feels like it here!!) Fairy castle cake ordered (in pink of course), mum is scouring the streets for an outfit that will suit...you know the sort of thing...glamorous but understated, slimming no matter what she wears...must be purple, and last of all, must relate to fairies...I suggested that she get one of Elton Johns outfits!!! Mum Here -Dad talking shit again - he wants to be a pirate/fireman and sulking because I won't let have a huge axe thing instead of a sword - poor kids would be scared silly - except for Morgan who would just go "Oh O" bye guys have fun - back to Dad Phew...Hope you enjoy Central park...I'd imagine it will be quite beautiful at the moment. No mention of shopping???? Ok guys...vacumming (or something on the list) calls, so I better go. Keep having fun, and give our regards to David when you see him. Mum and Dadxxx

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