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July 2nd 2007
Published: July 2nd 2007
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Ok so the reason you haven't heard from me is not because I haven't had a free second - its because there are no such things as internet cafes here. I've been looking - "honey we all have Blackberrys" the lady beside me at the nail bar informed me.

So summing up a few days - arrived all very easily - quite hot missed the heat wave, and the 3 hour delays - so quite lucky! Apartment is good- but schlepping suitcase up 4 flights of stairs a bit tricky - its teeeny tiny but thats fine.

Have been to MOMA - fantastic Richard Sera exhibition, The MET, the Whitney, all my fav department stores - Barneys, Henry Bendell, Takashamaya, Bloomingdales, etc etc. Have walked Madison, Lexington, downtown, uptown and Tribeca. (carefully avoiding Ground Zero that I still can't face.) Have caught up with Ken Kennedy, Christopher Coogan, Jane and Geoffrey Gifford, Stephen Roberts and Mr Hopetoun Rd. Took the later to the Algonquin Hotel and sat beside the famous writers round table. Managed to see a matinee on saturday - Grey Gardens - a musical about Jackie Bourvier Kenndy's - cousins. Highly entertaining.

Tomorrow is some final shopping - please note I haven't bought one single thing here and then dinner with Ken, Sam Marshall and Liane Rossler. Next day its off to the Hamptons Bay with Ken and Judith and hopefully catching up with Ashley and Ola Chan and their new baby Beau. Then its off to Paris.

I must say I've seen some beautiful ceramics here - all the stores feature 1 - 2 artists and the work is just lovely. Hopefully I'll come back with lots of ideas. Barley has settled down and he and dad seem to be managing quite well. Stay tuned...


2nd July 2007

Oh I wish I was there
Hey Deb, STOP THINKING ABOUT ALL OF US IN OZ!!!!!! I see one of your other "non-potter" friends had the same ideas as, meet a guy, dinner with the guy, etc,etc,etc!!! NOW HURRY UP AND GET IT ON! School holidays with the munchkins....yippee!!!!!! NOT!!!!! Went up to the Rialto Observation deck today, with Rob and another family with 3 kids. Macca's for lunch for them(we went next door to an adult cafe......then onto DFO at Spencer St and then back home. Your adventures are far more exciting. Cheers, Shaz.
2nd July 2007

Nail Bar?
I love reading what you're up to - it's an insight into yet another side of the multi-faceted, multi-talented Deb. I kind of didn't have you down for a nail bar kind of chick. Do they do things them differently over there? Please tell me you're not going to come back with little pictures of palm trees and sunsets on your nails as a little reminder of your holiday? Well, I had a little shopping trip of my own on Saturday. I went to Northcote Pottery with a woman I used to work with (who is an ex-ceramicist btw). Apparently it is but a shadow of its former self. Didn't buy much. Just some black underglaze and a paint brush. I now have a ridiculous collection of paintbrushes that I seem to do nothing with... We continued on by walking down to Sydney Road for a spot of shopping at Savers. I bought a fantastic, beautifully handmade skirt (now if only I could lose a little bit of weight damn it!) and a red leather jacket. OK, so I won't be wearing the leather jacket with its gargantuan shoulder pads in a hurry but it is made of THE most exquisite Italian leather, impressed with little paisleys. I just had to have it. Also discovered a great little cafe across the road and a fabulous Greek cake shop that sold baklava to die for and melt-in-your-mouth macaroons. I love the northern suburbs. I must get out there more often. New York it aint but across the waters it may sound equally as exotic to some - Melbourne Australia. Wow I've always wanted to go there. Hmmmm, maybe not. Must go now and get back to work. This five day working week is not all it's cracked up to be. Apart from looking forward to going back to school so I can work less I'm really looking forward to seeing your photos when you come back - I hope you've been taking lots! I wonder what your next update has in store for us?? A little bit of romance in Paris perhaps? Fingers crossed.

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