The Magic Continues

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July 14th 2005
Published: July 15th 2005
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No portables here
Today was a lot more low key but unforgettable nontheless. We slept in in an attempt to shake off the jet lag and acclimate to the time zone while deciding what's next. That took most of the morning and early afternoon, but when we finally did get going everything was just beautiful. Just walking the 5 blocks from West End to Central Park West we past at least a half dozen community gardens, parks, a riding stable, and a grand old school. Once inside the park we walked around the reservoir, dodging joggers and marvelling at the serenity that can exist in the heart of such a crowded and busy city. When we got to the 5th Ave side it's called Museum Row with one after the other for as far as you can see. The one we were after today was the Jewish museum, which, among all the permanent exhibits, was featuring the works of Maurice Sendak of "Where the Wild Things Are" fame. The kids really loved seeing the books they knew as toddlers, come to life. They didn't allow picture taking so I had to sneak a few without the flash. The four floors of exhibits were really impressive for all of us but the real highlight for me was the music that we heard downstairs in the cafe. I'd never heard Bluegrass and Klezmer played together but these guys did it seamlessly, often within the same number. The full band is The Klemer Mountain Boys with Kenny Kosek, Barry Mitterhoff, and Marty Confurius but, due to the size of the venue, it was pared down to Joe Selly on Guitar and Margot Leverett on Clarinet and Alto Sax. I know I'm losing some of my audience here, but for those who are still with me, imagine reditions of Clinch Mtn Backstep, Jerusalem Ridge, Lonesome Fiddle Blues, Big Sandy etc, juxtaposed with Russian Sher's (square dances) Bulgars, and I don't know what else, but it sure sounded good in a small intimate setting. We bought the CD and signed up on their e-mail list. If they ever make it to the west coast they are a must see.
The kids had to tear me away before it was over because they were tired and wanted to get back to the apartment. Somehow, though, all that changed once we were halfway back through the park. It was just dusk and thousand of fireflies began lighting our way. Once you start catching lightening bugs, it's hard to stop. Soon it was us adults who wanted to get back and had to coerce the boys to come along. We finally made it home and ate up the leftovers from yesterdays Vietnamese feast. Iknow I said it was Thai but that's where we were supposed to go, and this is where we actually went (next door). The pictures from today aren't great but I'll put afew up to give you an idea.

Roy, Sue and the boys

Additional photos below
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15th July 2005

These guys may never come back now..... What an amazing sight that must have been for them...all of you! I had a crush on Kenny Kosek for quite sometime. Glad he is still playing! yum, yum, whitefish and a salt bagel, please....
15th July 2005

Fun in the Big Apple
Hi Barush Family, We look forward to having as much fun next week! How about shabbat together at Bnai Yesherun on the Upper West Side? We'll call you when we arrive Thursday morn.

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