The Big Apple

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March 25th 2006
Published: March 29th 2006
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A small Sky scraper in downtown Manhattan
Woah I've already spent 5 days in New York and I've seen so much. It feels like some mad crazy blur! I arrived at Long Island airport from Baltimore on Wednesday after an long exhausting....50 minute flight! It was fabulous - the plane took off and we had just enough time to use the bathroom before the seatbelt sign came on again and we prepared for landing.

My cousin Chioma picked me up from the airport and I was wizzed into the fast paced life of New York. I'm still trying to get used to it. I was taken to my cousin's school where she pointed out her old dorm rooms and lecture halls. From there we scoured Roosevelt Field Mall, Garden City, Long Island. It was a nice place, and I did get one very good bargain but not anything spectacular other than different shops and a different crowd. We grudgingly pulled ourselves away from retail therapy and decided to play a game of find Chioma's brother. She wasn't very hopeful that we would find him, but we succeeded and I have photos to prove it!

Dinner was lobster courtesy of Chioma's former work mate. I was very

Important places to visit - Chioma & I at the Nigerian Embassey.
impressed, even more so that the restaurant was a mid-class chain of restaurants specialisining in lobster and other seafood.

On Thursday I accompanied Chioma to an appointment in Manhattan, and we took the opportunity to drive around the city and catch some landmarks. The most important one was the Nigerian Embassy of course! But seriously, I saw the UN Building and the stunning art works in the vicinity. I took photos of the Trump Tower (one of many?) and had a lively discussion (more like traumatising) with The Hebrew Israelites. This probably would have been avoided had I not stopped to take photos of the group. However they did look like ninjas so I couldn't help myself.

Chioma and I took a ferry from Staten Island to Manhattan on Friday. It passed by the Statue of Liberty and we got some great views. We aimed to walk around Wall Street, but that did not quite eventuate.... We got lost underground a few times - that was quite interesting!

Saturday was shopping and see some relatives day. It was nice to meet more of the ever expanding clan.
Later that evening we met up with Chinwe (Chioma's sister)
Beautiful PictureBeautiful PictureBeautiful Picture

Opposite UN building was a verse from Isaiah carved into the wall. It paints a glorious picture of PEACE! People laying down their weapons... tolerance... What we all need in this world!!
at Albert Einstein University where she studies. The plan was to go from there to Time Square, but female chattiness got in the way and we ended up talking until the wee smalls of the morning.

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


New York New YorkNew York New York
New York New York

Big Apple at its finest...

Everyone needs a bit of retail therapy!
Family renunionsFamily renunions
Family renunions

Trying my hand at automatic photos... Aunty Angela & my lil cousin Onyeka.
Family renunions againFamily renunions again
Family renunions again

This is getting out of hand. Too much family for me! Chimizie, Aunty Carol, Amaka & Chioma.

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