Search and Rescue

Published: June 10th 2009
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Pan Pan Pan, this is element quest, element quest, element quest... we are in distress
Dear jesus please make those words stop swirling around in my head in the same fashion as the red bull can floating in the corner of my room.The possibility of death was great, in my mind and my heat. The boys will tell you another story but to watch a boat fill with at least 4 feet of water spraying in ever direction you'd feel the same too. We're all ok for the most part. I have a strong feeling that whiplash, bumps bruises and strained muscles will haunt our bodies for weeks to come. I'm still on the boat, by the time this entry will have been posted I should be on my way back home again by car. But for now. For me. I'm sitting on my bed in a boat that just betrayed me more than any exboyfriend ever could. I've got a lot to say but little energy left to do so. So i'm afraid it'll have to wait until all of vital brain chemicals have reached homoeostasis to some degree. I hope that this has tuckered my hunger for adventure out for the next few years because I don't know if i can handle being rescued by a professional again. In the past month I've kissed the ground twice out of sheer joy to be alive and save. Over the past year I can't even count the number of times where my inner dialogue has said 'this can't actually be happening'. Its all crazy and most isn't stupid. My life decisions are not at fault for a mishap such as this. Nor is anyone else really, but chance. But like I said, I feel the need to buy a house right now or make a move to afix my life to an ancher and perhaps live happily afloat something other than the freaking stupid ocean. I AM NOT A SAILOR. So in this state of horrific shock, I bid you all adue and wish that someone out there is praying for me to have a sweet dreams tonight because every noise this boat makes will bring me back to the sheer horror experienced just a few hours ago. Thank you world, mother nature and whatever else may be out there, for allowing me to exist. Thank you.

Yours truly,

Little Miss Grateful


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