Day 17 Las Vegas - Monday

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September 15th 2008
Published: September 16th 2008
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Hi Hi Hi

So today is a boring day and no pictures 😊 I woke up today with a cold 😞 Totally traumatizing. I think it's from all the air conditioning blowing on me all the time and also all the smoke. It's soo bad here. You can't go anywhere to get away from all the smoking. So I felt like a bag of poop almost all day but somehow got a second wind at night. I am popping my cold fx like candy and it seems to be helping. Wish me luck in beating the cold 😊

I had to do my student assignments today so slept til noon, and then worked on my assignments.

Don spent the day sleeping, working out at the gym and hanging out at the pool in the hot tub by himself. Then I stopped for dinner and Don & I went for mexican at this place in the food court downstairs that Don swore last time was sooo good. I didn't eat much as my chicken quesadillas were gross - not really white quesadillas and then bad chicken parts inside -- like dark meat instead of chicken breast and then all this grease and sauce oozing out from the bottom..... Then I didn't want any sides with my dinner and they ended up screwing up Don's order and not giving him his sides of rice and beans either so he wasn't happy. Then we had an order of nachos but there was almost no cheese on them...

then I stayed in room and worked til approx. 10 pm. Called my mom & dad. Worked some more. Emails, etc.

Then at just after midnight I text Don and we met at Lucky's downstairs so I could have pancakes since I didn't have any lunch or really dinner. Don had the prime rib special for $9.99 and I had my pancakes. Don had spent the night downstairs playing VLP -- lost $10 but playing so he could get the free drinks or reduce price drinks for like $2. Then he ended up in the lounge listening to the NEW band this week -- however he had to leave there as he kept getting hit on by the hookers that come around. How poopie. Too bad the casino doesn't try to keep them out / can't keep them out.... Not everyone that comes to vegas is interested in the busy vegas sex trade... If someone wants it -- they can call the numbers -- like on the hot babes to you truck or the MILLION cards that the people hand out on the strip for babes you can call....

I am excited to hear the new band since the band last week kept playing all the same songs. However, Don thinks I might be disappointed in this week's band as they are more blues-y which isn't my favourite. We'll see. Probably tonight....

That's all for today. Pretty boring / normal day 😊


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