Unknown Nevada

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North America » United States » Nevada » Las Vegas
March 16th 2018
Published: March 16th 2018
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Did you know this about Nevada? Most of you have been to Reno or Las Vegas, perhaps numerous times. I doubt if I can tell you anything new, except for these somewhat "unknown" facts.

Nevada is our driest state, receiving less than 10 inches of rain annually.

Nevada is the largest golf producer in the nation, and second only to South Africa worldwide.

The dark skies in Nevada create perfect nights for stargazing.

More gold comes form Nevada than California.

In Spanish, Nevada means "snow-capped."

The sum of all the numbers on a roulette wheel total 666.

More shrimp, 60,000 pounds daily, are consumed in Las Vegas than the rest of the country combined!

Blue jeans (Levi's) were invented in Reno by a tailor, Jacob Davis a Latvian immigrant.

Nevada is one of only seven states without a state lottery.

Mark Twain began his writing career here as a reporter for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise.

Over 40 million people visit Las Vegas each year.

The Feds own 87% of the land in Nevada.

Construction worker "hard hats" were invented in 1933 for workers on Hoover Dam.

The Las Vegas Strip is only 4.2 miles long but has over 75,000 miles of neon.

Nevada as no individual state income tax. No corporate taxes either! Maybe Trump should move here?

Nevada is the only state to legalize prostitution, but only in licensed brothels in counties with less than 400,000 population.

Public intoxication in Nevada is not a public offense. They also allow 24 hour purchase of booze.

Carson City is the capitol, not Vegas or Reno.

The state fish is the Lahontan cutthroat trout.

Nevada has more mountain ranges than any other state, with more than 300. Also more hot springs.

Nevada is home to over 50% of America's wild horses and burros.

Of the largest 25 hotels in the world, Las Vegas has 15.

More than 100,000 weddings are performed annually here.

It would take over 288 years to stay in each of the 150,000+ Vegas hotel rooms.

Pat Nixon, former first lady, is from Nevada.

In 1899, Charles Fey invented the slot machine, named the Liberty Bell.

Bugsy Siegel named his casino "The Flamingo" for the long legs of his showgirl sweetheart, Virginia Hill.

Only one night here, just an overnight on our way to Sedona. Just down the street is the Mountain West basketball tournament. Maybe I will stop by and cheer for the hometown Fresno State Bulldogs. Or just rest after a 6.5 hour drive.


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