Car Troubles

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February 1st 2007
Published: February 8th 2007
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Tow Truck with Nikki´s CarTow Truck with Nikki´s CarTow Truck with Nikki´s Car

The Vandura could have done that!
Well, the first blog update probably doesn’t have the pictures you expected, but it was the start of the adventure so I thought I’d include it anyway. Nikki (and the tow truck driver) thought I was un poco loco for taking the pictures in the first place. I won’t argue with that.

So Nikki and I were headed home the day before departure and we were just finishing up our last couple errands and soon the car would be parked for three months straight. In accordance with Murphy’s Law her car lost power as we crested a hill on Ward Rd, coasted for a while and then sputtered to a halt. We were only 2 miles from home.

Fortunately Nikki’s friend Tiffany, who she’d just discovered lived in Lees Summit, came to the rescue. The plan was for Nikki to stay with the car and I would go home and call a tow truck. While I was getting a lift from Tiffany I got on the phone with my friend Dean, who not only diagnosed the car troubles, but convinced me a tow truck was unnecessary and it would be cheaper and more fun to tow Nikki’s car home with my GMC Vandura.

UNfortunately, I’d forgotten that a policeman who had stopped to help us had already called a tow truck and by the time I got home Nikki was on her way too. So I did the only thing I could think of: take pictures as they backed the car into its final resting place.


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