I Promise to Catch Up

Published: July 31st 2011
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For those of you kind enough to follow and read my Sabbatical blog let me first say, "Thank you!" It is much more enjoyable to write when I imagine there is an actual audience reading what I post. After you accept my thanks, then please also accept my apology. I have kept a written journal for most of the summer, but as you already know I have fallen terribly behind with keeing my writing and pictures up to date on the blog. For this I am terribly sorry. I originally fell behind when I went on active duty for the Air Force and did not have the time nor a good internet connection to keep the blog fresh with our cruise pictures. I am now at Boston College for a two week course on Christology. Since Andrew came with me for the first week - my time and attention outside of my course work has been given to him (and the Red Sox). Andrew flew safely home this morning and now I have lots of free time by myself to catch up on my journaling and blog posting. So, please tune back in and even scroll back to previous postings. I have added a number of fun pictures and few new journal entries. I still have quite a bit of new material to type in, but I promise it will slowly appear until I am caught up. Have fun reading and know that I continue to think of you fondly and pray for the ministry of St. Mark's while I am away. Thanks again for your love and prayers. + Chris/Pastor Webb


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