New Orleans the Heart of Inspiration

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January 12th 2009
Published: January 12th 2009
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New Orleans can be the heart and soul of inspiration to any city. Driving into New Orleans is an adrenaline rush, as soon as your vehicle rolls into the city it's like you're holding your breath under water until you leave again. It's a great city but is in need of some attention. Tourists are the only ones that can further develop it and hopefully tourists create a chain reaction in a growing industry. I went on a mission trip to fix up houses after Katrina hit so unfortunately i saw a lot of the after math and not what it was like before hand. Everywhere you look you can see the evidence of the destruction the hurricane had. The only things that have been fixed up are the highways, the casinos and the main streets. (Along with the few families that could afford fixing their houses) Be prepared to see houses ready to topple due to water corrosion and vacant lots that look like they've been through a world war. You will also get a taste of the bright side, culture and customs. Food markets and dancers as well as Bourbon street and other attractions. A great place whether your visiting for constructive purposes or to have a good time!

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