Dave is awesome!!!! and so we have pictures!

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June 2nd 2006
Published: June 2nd 2006
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The pictures are being hosted by our friend and so are now available for all at this address. No captions yet, but they are up.


This is what he has to say for the pages beyond page 10

"...there are 16 total pages and I have the first 10 linked from the previous pages... but for some reason when I got to the tenth, connecting them started to give me fits.... so I'm going to have to work it out... but you can see the other six sites by simply typing in their address with 10...11...12...ect. after 'ArthurandJess' in the above address."

Also please don't download pictures from that site becasue it will exceed the bandwith limits he has and shut it down.

Enjoy folks. Jess is blogging as we speak and you all should get some updates today. P.S. We are having a midday rest in Dighton, KS.


2nd June 2006

Link correction
Typo in the link. Here's the correct one: www.geocities.com/oburntroot/ArthurandJess1 Cool pics!
2nd June 2006

Boo hoo
The site isn't working for me so I still can't see pictures. :-(

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