'Twas The Night Before Europe - 10 March 2010

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March 11th 2010
Published: March 11th 2010
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Me and AC 360Me and AC 360Me and AC 360

This is a very long story, but I heart Anderson Cooper and The Amazing Race.
'Twas the night before Europe travel is here and I am so very ready for my "educational trip" aka vacation to begin. Let me give you a rundown of the activities in preparation for 19 days of travel.

Since the Feb 24th Chit Chat and Swirl event, we had a great class on 3 March and then a small meet-up at The Raccoon River Brew Pub on 6 March. This too was a great way to get to know some of the travelers in a small setting. And boy, did we get to know each other...a great preview of great talks, jokes and seeing who can make me blush the most.

At the meet-up, I unveiled my travel buddy Anderson Copper aka "AC 360" on a stick. My best bud Judy B. made this for me to feed by guilty pleasure #1 and #2, #1 being Anderson Cooper and #2, The Amazing Race. I'll write more about why I heart AC 360, but for now let's say he will be traveling with me all over Europe. I've made a second copy just in case he is kidnapped or gets lost. In all, we had a great time and vowed to have many more of these over the next two weeks.

My packing, just when I have it down, the girl in me changes wardrobe which gets my suitcase "out of balance." Decisions decisions, I hope I made the right choice to wear my black lace-up black boots, brown short boots and a pair of Dansko walking shoes. This year I decided to pack two outfits to go out on the town. I hope that too is a wise decsion.

So I've got the house in order, bills paid, laundry done, a few groceries bought, packed and re-packed so I should be ready to rock and roll in the morning.

On travel day, I will be waking up at 3 am, may have a date with Ms. Clariol, get my bags in the car, be at work by 5 am, work till noon and then off to the airport via the Judy B. shuttle.

Here I go, off to Copenhagen with AC 360.


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