The College Of My Dreams

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North America » United States » Indiana » South Bend » Notre Dame
September 5th 2013
Published: September 5th 2013
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The college that I would love to attend in the future is Notre Dame. This college is located in South Bend, Indiana. This college is also in the United Sates. One of the reasons I like that Notre Dame has is that it is close to where I live, so you can tell that I do not want to leave far from home. The characteristics that I see off of Notre Dame are many. The first one, which is the most important one, is that it is a catholic college. I say this is an important characteristic because I am a very religious man that takes a hold of my religion. The other characteristic is that it includes many programs you can obtain a PH.D. The one I am most intrigued in is bioengineering because I want to have a professional job of an engineer in some sort. The other characteristic is that Notre Dame has an excellent football team, and who can forget about the legendary Rudy. The college is also very diverse in people in which you have more of a diverse way of connecting with people of different races. The characteristics of South Bend, Indiana consist of how they are most known for the Notre Dame Football station, which is part of the college I would want to attend. It is also a calm city where Notre Dame resides because it is diligently in a more suburban colony in which the college is only in there. Also, that South Bend is mostly Irish people, consisting of how we know Notre Dame, home of the Irish.

I would like to give credit towards,, Thank you for this wonderful picture.

I would also like to give credit to,, Thank you for this picture.


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