College I Want to Go

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September 5th 2013
Published: September 5th 2013
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I would like to go to college at Harvard in Cambridge, Massachusetts. That college is where I can get taught about law. When I get older, I want to be a lawyer than a judge. Most people say that I am a good debater, so I would probably be a good lawyer. This Harvard is the one that Barack Obama went to. It was made in 1636, so it existed for a long time. There are over 21,000 people combined! I know that the school color is crimson. Even their motto is in Latin, and that is "Veritas", and that means truth. The library collection is about 17 million volumes of books. Harvard University is made up of 11 academic units. I reflected on which school that I really wanted to go to. I chose this one because I was most interested in a school that would promote something that I want to accomplish in life.


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