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January 7th 2013
Published: January 7th 2013
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Seeking justice for Haiti's rape victims : 1.) The contribution that Malya Vuillard-Appolon gibed actually actual matter of her having these exact same tragic things happen to hero . Also she is such a brave and helpful person. Malya contributed to by seeking for help for herself and also for the well being of other females in that same situation. 2.) I became heartbroken by the story and the tragic things that happened ,but I was totally astonished by the actual help that this hero wanted to to.I felt as if it was a big step , but it actually can end haof helped other people . Yes , I do believe that Malya does deserve this nomination because anyone who can have a bad thing happen I them , and still want to help others and not be scarknow hold be known for their help and courage . 3.) In 2012 , I believe one of my greatest contributions to the world is the acceptance and the courage I have . Not only in myself but in other people . I believe this because I've been on accepting person this year , and I have grown to actual explore the things that other people feel. In doing this I have also realized how much of a better person I am since I accept people . 4.)The great initiative that I have made was changing the way you treat people that have some of the same characteristics . In 2022, I could see myself making actual change in the way we treat those who are actually close to us . In this year I would have been nominated for making an actual multigenerational in the world .


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