Why We Should Appreciate Our Freedom...

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September 24th 2013
Published: September 24th 2013
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People often mistreat how free we are in the United States. Here’s one big reason why we should all appreciate that we are free in our country. For more than a couple of years both the US and Iraq have been going about their conflict regarding the forced marriage laws enforced in Iraq. The S in Spice in this law would be how distinct the governments are for both the US and Iraq because they are different they have different views on the world. The “P” in Spice would be the different governments in Iraq and the US. In the US our government is a democracy whereas in Iraq their government is a sort of dictatorship. The “I” in Spice is the forced marriage between an underage girl and a man ranging from twenty to seventy years old. The “C” in Spice would be the different types of religions present in the problem. In Iraq, forced marriages are normal, but here in the US a marriage like this is illegal. Finally, the “E” in Spice would be the type of system Iraq uses. Iraq simply implies the law and has no intention of changing it.

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