Remembering 9/11...

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September 16th 2013
Published: September 16th 2013
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Even though 9/11 happened twelve years ago, I can still remember how it happened. People often say because of my age I was too young to remember, but what people fail to understand is at a young age pictures are how you remember things. It was about 9:00 in the morning my mom had already said her goodbye to my dad who had gone off to work that morning. A couple of minutes later, my teletubbies show had got interrupted with breaking news. I remember hearing the words “crashed” and “tower” and then all I saw was a building with smoke coming out of it. I remember seeing my mom frozen looking at the picture. She began pacing back and forth tears coming out of her eyes. Then about ten minutes later I heard a strange noise coming from the T.V I saw, this time, a plane crash into the North Tower. Everything was happening so fast. My mom punching in numbers in her phone, seeing the towers collapse, seeing people jump from high altitudes, and witnessing the day the whole United States stood still. I know I will never forget what happened Tuesday September 11th, 2001.


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