Extreme Laws

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September 22nd 2013
Published: September 24th 2013
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One law that from the Hammurabi's code that is considered extreme is "if a man has committed highway robbery and has been caught, that man shall be put to death". This law is not enforced in the United States because it's too extreme. If someone robs and is caught, he or she goes to jail. The officials don't kill the person because the person has rights. Back then citizens didn't get rights. If they have broken a law they just get a bad punishment. This shows that their social structure was uneven because their government just decided to give them a punishment. It shows that the government had all the power. Their interaction with the environment was sort of good and bad. They used the river as a punishment for those who couldn't swim. I believe their culture was like this so the people could fear the ones with greater power. Also to keep the criminals from committing crimes.

Pictures from:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_of_Hammurabi and


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