Downtown with the family

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August 21st 2013
Published: December 5th 2013
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Over the summer, my family and I had went over to Downtown to the fountain. It was a beautiful day outside to be at a place at Downtown. To me going to Downtown wasn't such a big deal, but it was a big deal for my siblings because it was their very first time going there. They had so much fun and so did I. We had ran around chasing each other but we had to be very careful because Downtown is a pretty busy place with lots of people walking everywhere. Once we had reached the fountain we had each made a wish and through a coin in the fountain waiting to come true. Which was the best part of all because everyone loves making wishes. Who knows maybe one day something you had wished for could happen. Anyways on this day it was really hot, so my little 7 year old brother was wetting his whole face with the water from the fountain so my other siblings decided to do the same. I wanted to have some fun so I grabbed some water in my hands and through it on my parents. I thought it was funny because it was a little splash but the sad part was that I got in trouble. Either way I got in trouble, I had some fun.


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