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Europe » France » Île-de-France
August 29th 2013
Published: December 5th 2013
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One place that I would really want to go to is Paris. It is a really beautiful place to be. It seems like it has such so many amazing views. The language there is just so interesting. I would really love to learn every single thing about Paris. I mean what is there not to like about it, it's just too beautiful. The food there looks so delicious as well. I think I would love the food. I mean just by looking at it makes me want to taste it. To me I'm like in love with Paris. From what I had from my past back then teachers is that they have many museums over there that shows and tells you a lot more about Paris and its history. They have such amazing looking hotels. Can you imagine how much it costs to just live there. It's just so breath taking! One place I really want to go to so bad in Paris is The Eiffel Tower. It is so tall, I bet looking all the way to the top is such an incredible view. If I ever go there, it will so be a life time memorable memory to remember about. This is my dream, going to Paris during vacation time. I know that one day that, that dream will come true. Want to know why? It's because I will make it come true.


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