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April 10th 2013
Published: April 10th 2013
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Over spring break I didn't really do much, but close to the end of it I did one special thing that made up for most of the time sitting around on the coach playing the game or watching TV. On the coming Wednesday of spring break I went to my great grandmothers house for a little get together with my family. My aunties brought Chinese food, and chicken and I ate until I got full and laid down on the coach. As everybody began to leave I was still laying on the coach listening to music, and I was left without a doubt about how I would felt about it. As I just sat around listening to music, and talking on the phone all night I eventually got sleepy and went to sleep. The next morning as I woke up, and walked to the kitchen to find some food and I realized that there wasn't anymore so I was very disappointed. As i sat threw the day dying of hunger I felt like a big empty hole was creating itself within my stomach. Finally my great grandmother got up, and made some fish and when it was finished it didn't taste to good to me so I was hurt inside mentally. Soon close to the end of the day I was picked up then given the news that we were going to the movies. I was so happy cause I felt like in that entire day it would actually not be a waste. Not only was I going to the movies, but I was going to the movies with my whole family. The car ride was fun as when all cracked jokes about each other, the movie was great, and my great grandmother made a lot of funny jokes.


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