A4 RHILA #22

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April 6th 2013
Published: April 6th 2013
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Spring Break Adventures!

My greatest adventure of Spring Break began at 10 am on Thursday, April 4th. I had a lot planned for the day and I was so excited because I knew that this day would be the highlight of my break. The day started with my 10 am choir rehearsal. Ms. T wanted everyone who was willing to be in competition to attend a morning rehearsal on Thursday. It was nice seeing most of my friends. Rehearsal went great, but the best was yet to come. Tatiana, Mina, Balvino, Ivy, Omar, and myself had our day all planned out. We jumped on the Roosevelt bus and headed to the Icon theater to see Temptation. On our way there we had plenty of laughs, including laughing about Mina's phobia of bridges (not as mean as it sounds!). We played by a fountain for a little while and then headed to the theater. Temptation was great! But by the end of the movie, we were all starving! After reliving our childhoods at a playground, we decided to go find a restaurant to eat at. We found ourselves at the White Palace Grill on Canal and Roosevelt, which I later

found out that all the sports players go to eat there before their games. The food was phenomenal and the laughs shared around the table were as well. Off to DSW we went since Ivy can never get enough of high heels! Mina, Balvino, and Omar weren't feeling the shoe game and decided that we'd meet them up at Best Buy instead. Then off Ivy and I went to go to Best Buy after Ivy couldn't find any shoes she liked. Our day ended with 4: Ivy, Balvino, Mina and myself since Tati's mom was at Marshalls and Omar decided to run back to the school. Overall, the day was amazing and definitely the highlight of my spring break! 😊


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