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February 20th 2013
Published: May 5th 2014
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Is GPS All in Our Heads ?

1.) This article explains tha comparing and contrasting of how people get around now differed from how people knew where they were going back then. Years ago people used to use actual paper maps . In this day in age we usually use our finger to press the button to an application on an device to help us to where we are going .

2.)I , some what , believe this article because I personally believe that navigation , and the directions to places are installed into the brain. By saying this I don't think that it is in everyones brain . I feel as if known directions will always be installed into someones brain , and will always be there . I feel this way because everyone (majority ) has a portion of their brain that helps memory which can help with directions.

3.) This relates to class because we study the actual meaning behind paper maps . In our classes we know exactly how to use one .In the future we might be traveling and need to use a real map , in which our classes help us with .


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