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January 22nd 2013
Published: January 22nd 2013
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26 Things Before I'm 26

1.) Graduate high school- by the time i am 26 i would like to have graduated high school. I have worked very hard in my academic career and i do not want to have given up on al of my hard work. When i graduate I would also like to have graduated with at least a 3.5 GPA and at least a 26 ACT score.

2.) Learn CPR- I would want to learn CPR just in case of emergencies, the skill could be very useful. I was also thinking about going to medical school so that would be something i would need to know. To me CPR seems like one of the things that people are suppose to know, but not enough people are able to take time to learn.

3.) Set a world record- Setting a world record would give me a great sence of accomplishment. I feel like one of my actions being recorded in history is epic and will be remembered, not matter what. It would make me feel like I was someway apart of history. That maybe someday, someone will look in a book, and i could inspire them to do something great in their own way. There are world records for almost anything, i feel like i am bound to set at least one.

4.) Not talk for an entire week- I feel like if i did not talk for an entire week, as an exercise, I would gain some much needed listening skills, and truely see things from other people's point of view. I feel like I would become more aware of my surroundings and I can reflect on alot of the things that I say. I think if i was to accomplish this i could truely see how powerful words are.

5.) Be in a Flash Mob- I have always loved flash mobs and experienced one before, but I would truely like to be in one. First because I love to dance. Second because of the element of surprise. No one ever sees it coming unless your actually in it. It could brighten someone mood or day and it would make me feel like a part of something bigger.

6.) Go sky diving- That is just one of the crazy things in life I really want to do before it is too late. The feeling of jumping out of a plane, letting it all go, the adrinalline rush all seems so exciting. I want the moment when i jump to be one of the greatest memories that i can tell people about for years afterwards.

7.) Write a Song

8.) Go to College

9.) Invent Something Useful

10.) Live in another Country for the Summer

11.) Learn another language

12.) Learn to play 2 different instruments

13.) Meet a Celebrity

14.) Be in a parade

15.) Volunteer at children's Hospital

16.) Buy a car with money i've earned

17.) Learn sign Language

18.) Get my ears pierced

19.) Roomate with my bestfriends

20.) Get a pet that is not a fish

21.) Get a cool summer job

22.) Do the outgoing things that scare me

23.) Read 100 books

24.) Learn how to do flips

25.) knit a scarf

26.) Become an organized adult


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