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January 2nd 2013
Published: January 4th 2013
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The hero that i was given that was nominated for hero of the year was Pushpa Basnet. She is a 28 year old business women who opened a home for children whose parents are currnetly in Nepal prisons. She saw that that it wasn't fair that parents had to choose between putting their children on the street and having them incarserated for crimes they did not commit. She not only helped the children find homes and hopes, but she also made projects with the parents so they could still be connected with their children. They project they did funded the the house she keeps with the children, and the parents of the children once they are released from prison. She really puts the children first with all of her actions. She was able to provide the children with education, and put away money for their future. She take care of over 40 children and continues to stay motivated, even when people thought she wouldn't be able to continue her actions because she was young. She has really impacted many children in a positive way, and given them a better future.

I believe that Pushpa really does deserve this nomination. She did not give up even when people said she should give up or when others laughed at her. She truely cares for people and has made such an accomplishment at a young age. My reaction to this kind of motivation is that if she can do all of this, there should be no reason that we as firecats can do amazing things, even if we are still teenagers. I feel like that is the whole reason that PMC is pushed at our school, so someday we can do amazing things like this.

In the years 2012 I feel like my greatest contribution to the world was the school trip to Washington DC. When we were there we were able to give our opinions to senators, and representatives, who really cared about our opinion. They asked us for ideas with problems that they felt the nations youth faced. We were also able to come up with solutions. The trip taught me how to see issues from a bigger stand point and hear all sides of a problem. I feel like just speaking up for what I believe in was a was my greatest contribution to the world, because silence doesn't makes situations that we face better.

In the year 2022, I would have wanted to have graduated with a degree in political socialization. I also would want to have started a leadership program for children starting at the age of ten. I want to teach them that they do have a voice and they can make a change for things they believe in, and they shouldn't be limited because of their age. I would also make a way for children to have a say in politics because the 2012 election. Alot of children were actually interested, but they may not have been informed in all the aspects of the canidates position. I want to change that so students can have informed decisions and express their opinions. With their new leadership skills they can make changes within schools and communities.


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