Style VS. Substance

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November 5th 2012
Published: November 5th 2012
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1)in your opinion what do you think is more important, the content of someone's argument or the way they present that argument?

my opinion is the way their content is because they can say things that are good but might not approach the matter at hand in the right form.

2)regardless of your own opinion, what do you think most people are more convinced by style or substance?

i think that most people go for style because they dont know what the topics are they just go for how the person presnets themselves and what they have done in thier past. for example, in the 2012 presidential election many people are going for obama and others for romney not because they know what they are going to do or because they understand what they will do but because they see what obama has done for the country and what romney has done for massachusats.

3) can you think of an example from your own experience where wome one made a good argument or valid point but they were disregarded because of the way they said it?why do you think this was?

one experience i can think of was with my brother because he was upset that one of his co workers was yelling at him infront of a customer and when he approached his manager, his manager just told him to go home because he was still mad about what had happened and was letting his anger speak for him instead of approaching the matter at a more senseable perspective.

4)in your opinion what is another song that would be appropriate for initializing presentations? explain how the lyrics support our mission either as trailblazers or future public speaker?

the song i would like to use is right on time by skrillex because it may not have many lyrics but the beat shows us that before we get chosen to speak publically we get nervouse to find out if we need to speak. but when the beat picks up it shows how when we get infront of everybody we get nerveous and forget what we say sometimes , but as the beat slows back down and gets in to a more simpler beat that shows us that we start to getting used to speaking publically. when the beat picks up again that shows us that there will still be some cases where we have to speak in front of huge audiences and our nerves come back and get us scared to speak infront of everybody but that is normal.


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