Reflection on quarter one

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October 29th 2012
Published: October 29th 2012
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1)what have you enjoyed most about your studies thus far?

i enjoyed learning about the greek city-states like athens and sparta becasue they seem interesting and what they do in those places is pretty amazing because they all have their own set of rules that make them interesting on different levels.

2)what has been the most challenging for you and why?

the most challenging for me is remembering all the names of important people and what they have done because there is so many things that we have learned and then you have to remember who did what makes it more difficult to keep them in order.

3)what do you want to learn more about in semester two?

i want to learn about how all these other places around me were founded and see how they rose up and what they had to do in order to be what they are today.

4)what areas for improvement do you want to focus on personally in this class?what could you improve?

i want to focus on these RIHLAS more because i feel like i dont do my best on them. Also i want to focus more in class and understand everything we learn and make sure i am prepared for when we take test.

5)give a shout ot to someone in your class period that has exhibited on of the 10th grade core values. who are they and how did they display the core value?

franxine has done excellent work on her RIHLAS and all her homework assignments that i have seen. she puts in all her efforts to do everything she can and the best that she can.


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