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October 31st 2011
Published: November 1st 2011
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Mesoamerican Mayans

The Mayans were said to be similar to the Aztecs, do to the way their government was organized. The Mayans did not just believe in one god or religion, they believed in many beliefs due to the way their world reacted over time. They also had one ruler, such as a king. Even though the ruler is like a descendant of the gods, he is still sacrificed to please the gods.

The Mayans had different worships, but they did offer human sacrifices to those they think are their gods. The Mayans also believed that rulers were descendants of the gods. They also think that the rulers blood was to be shed in order to please the gods. They also believed that the earth was divided by the earth above, and the earth below. They said that after you die, your soul goes to the Underworld, where it is tricked and tortured by the gods that are in charge of the Underworld.

The Mayans managed to create their own writing system that involved many different symbols for letters and numbers. Their writings were mostly on stones and pottery, but they did manage to also write a few, four, books based on the arrival of the Spaniards, and even the teachings of the spanish priest. Along with their writing system, they also created a calender system. As far as researchers know, the mayans are the only "indigeous people" to have created a righting system.

Mayans had a specific diet, their diet included: maize,chile peppers, beans and squash. They grew all of these plants on waht they call slash and burn farming. This is when they left the field empty for five to fifteen years after only two to five years of cultivation. They would take their time in growing their farm plants.

Social Structure:
There were many different classes. There was the ruling class, farmer, and laborer. Researchers also believe that "there must have been an educated nobility who were scribes, artists and architects". There were different duties for different people; however, they believe that there was no priest, but they think that it was the ruler that did all of the "priestly duties".



1st November 2011

you did a good job, but I couldn't understand anything you were saying. Everything sounded mumbled, and I was sitting close. Try speaking louder and clearer next time. Other than that it was good.
1st November 2011

Rihla #7
Great presentation about the mayans! You taught me alot about their civilizations from government and social structure. You gave a lot of information and undrstood what you were talking about. Again great job!
1st November 2011

Great job mari. I think you did really well with explaining all your information I think you should have just been a little bit louder.
1st November 2011

Good job on your presentation. You gave the class a lot of good information about the mayans. Its amazing how their civilization was especially since they disappear and no historian knew why. - Rubi Rivera

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