Rihla #6

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October 16th 2011
Published: October 16th 2011
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Quote 1:"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment"(Buddha).
- This is significant to me because I think that it is never healthy for a person to talk about what they used to have and what they could have did, because there is always another time to change it and make it even better. Also, when you focus on the future, you might damage what you are doing in the present because you are worried what is going to happen. Don't worry about what is going to happen or already happened because when you worry about what is happening at the very moment, you are better focused.
Quote 2: "Beauty is only skin deep" (Thomas Overbury).
- This is significant because this is what my mom always tells me and I never forget it. You could have the most beautiful face in the world but have the ugliest attitude and your beauty won't be worth anything but a dollar bill. Therefore, don't ever let being beautiful get to your head, because if you don't have the brains and attitude to go with it, it's not meaningful, and your beauty can be taken away from you.
Quote 3: "A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down" (Arnold H. Glasow).
-This is significant because friendship is very important to me. I feel that a true friend should support you in everything that you do and if it's not the right thing, they need to help you in fixing it. True friends shouldn't say negatives things about your success or shouldn't criticize the way you do things. All a true friend should do is have your back.
Quote 4: "Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life"( Jean Paul).
-This is significant because I love music. Music helps my soul whenever I hear it no matter what mood I am in. If I am sad, it brings me through the struggle and then I am able to get back up again.
Quote 5: "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase" (Martin Luther King Jr.).
-This is significant because since I am a Christian who believes in God, I have great faith and I just believe in things to happen because I have faith. I just do things knowing that God is with me.


19th October 2011

Rihla review
Jeanine, I liked you selection of quotes and the one you decided to explain because I too have strong faith in God and you made me think about the religious aspect of it which is different because I wasn't expecting that. I think you needed to improve on your tone and explanation a little bit, but other than that, you did a good job Marissa
19th October 2011

you seemed very confident about what you were talking about

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