Mahalo (It means thank you) Hawaii!

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June 1st 2008
Published: June 1st 2008
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Wakiki Wakiki Wakiki

So beautiful
Yo yo yo!

Just an update on how things are going over here unfortunatly no photos to post yet...well there are photos, I went totally camera happy over in Hawaii! near on 200 shots and not just all of me!

Hawaii was kick ass, so beautiful we absolutly loved it there def going
back at some stage. We stayed in the one spot in Honolulu called Waikiki we were about a 5 min walk from the beach which was handy. Almost puts me in mind of Bali where everything is open late and parties all the time. We hit it hard the first 3 nights as we were still getting used to the time difference which was something like 18 hours behind OZ? So we got 2 Saturdays which was cool! First night we hit a pub called the Yard House which had 126 beers on tap! We were in heaven. Second night we were actually looking for a nice place to have dinner along the beach and ended up walking past a bar called Dukes which was right on the beach looked to be crankin so we headed in for a cocktail... 8 hours later and about 10 or 15 cocktails down we bumped into some locals who told us about the memorial day sand bar party almost like our OZ day but dare i say even better! So we invited ourselves along with them. Monday was the party which was a party out in the middle of the Pacific on a sand bar! Water is really low and everyone goes out on there boats and parks up with tables and blow up shit, there is a boat with a DJ n shit so everyone just gets DRUNK and dances round in the water. I've never seen anything like it! It was such an awesome day ill get photos up soon. The last few days were spent doing touristy stuff, we hiked up into on of the rain forrests which was really pretty, then we went snorkling and swam with the tutrles, then done some sailing, sunbaking & shopping of course!

Now were in LA...well so far its been interesting a little ghetto where we are but we head to a hotel in Beverly Hills tomorrow so hopefully it picks up a bit there. We took a wrong turn today while trying to walk into town and i swear we hit little Mexico or some shit cause it was like spot the white man esse' got out of there quick smart! Jumped on a random bus that eventually took us to Universal Studio's which was cool though, going back tomorrow to hit some more rides and get a photo with the Simpsons and Sponge Bob Square Pants!!! WOOP! Then we hit Disneyland and all the other fun parks on Monday & Tuesday cant wait. Keep you guys posted though ok!

Missen everyone back home, please forward this message on to anyone that may want the update.

Love you all loads xxx Much love Melski

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


Our hike in the rain forest Our hike in the rain forest
Our hike in the rain forest

One of the spots they filmmed Lost

5th June 2008

Go Girls
Mel,Bel Nic if i remember rightly you cant get a drink in US Disney so when youve done Frontierland,Adventureland and Mickey Mouse Land get yourselves out that gate and into LIQUERLAND...HA HA

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