Blessed to be home

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November 2nd 2008
Published: November 2nd 2008
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First, this part is from Kathy:

We left Memphis, catching up with Alabama's Hwy 72 that goes along the top of the state. What a beautiful wide road with manicured medians and beautiful hardwood trees on both sides. We crossed over the mountains (Lookout Mountain range?) into Georgia on a twisty road that shouted out to us in all the colors of Fall, peeking out over a beautiful valley. What a beautiful day.

We arrived at Debbie's mother's home close to dinner time. What a lovely place. Many of you know her mother, but I had never met her. She welcomed me with open arms. What a wonderful lady she is. Now don't I feel awful about criticizing Debby on this trip after meeting her mother? That's practically sac religious to criticize one's daughter! Her mother fixed us the most tender chicken dinner and bar none, it was the best dinner of our whole trip. There's nothing like coming home, is there?

Really, there is nothing like coming home to Georgia. We both agree that the roads are the best anywhere and it's clean and beautiful. We wouldn't live anywhere else.

It was so much fun to have you all along with us on this trip using our bog site. We're so thankful we have so many caring friends and can't wait to see all of you.

A special thank you to Pearl for bringing us home safely and remaining celibate by not getting involved with any passing cars.

And, for me, words can never express my appreciation to Debby for coming along on this trip so that I didn't have to drive by myself. We had the most wonderful time and laughed all the way to California and back. We have a bond now that will last a lifetime, I'm sure. Our gift today is the gift of home, family and friendship.


From Debbie

I must say that the trip into Alabama and Georgia made my heart swell. The fall leaves are just at their peek and we decided that was certainly the gift for Friday. In Northern Alabama we crossed the Tennessee River several times and lakes also. Bob sure needs to bring the motorcycle here for a great ride. Right before crossing into Georgia we were in Mentone AL where I have had many picnics as a child. It is set in the mountains, and if we had had time I would have taken Kathy to DeSoto State Park, it has a beautiful waterfall and lake. Maybe that is for the motorcycle ride with Bob.
I loved taking Kathy to my home, and she is right, Mother fixed the best meal for us. We shared a bottle of wine with her and her dear friend Mary Alice (she has been to Washington with Mom for an antique auction and hope she will come back). Kathy still can’t believe I came from such a clean home, knowing how I have kept Pearl and our hotel rooms……She is also surprised to see that my Mother works out at the gym several times a week. I obviously didn’t take after her side of the family. Of course she and Kathy hit it off because they both have a desire to punish me with exercise and good health. Thank you Mother for being who you are, I couldn’t wait to get to LaFayette and show you off to Kathy!
Shout outs today to Bob, Tommy, Kathleen, Beth, Tony, Trey, Amy, and Julie. We sure welcomed the phone calls. And...shout outs to the Point Count Bridge Club for your calls emails and comments. We will be at lunch next Friday come hell or high water!
How many gifts we received along the way, but I must say that to be with someone who is so positive, loving, cheerful and kind has been the biggest gift of all.
We started out lovin’ life and this country and I must say that this has intensified for me. The people of the United States of America are as beautiful as the land is. I would encourage everyone who hasn’t, to travel this great land. And to reach out, as Kathy does, to touch everyone you come in contact with.
This isn’t the end…..we have plans for exercise blogs, food blogs, writing a book, a song, and taking more trips.
The road home is the best road of all.


2nd November 2008


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