The Wild Blue Yonder....we love it!

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October 30th 2008
Published: October 30th 2008
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As we head out for some serious driving toward home, I am sensing that I just might be getting on Kathy’s nerves. I cannot imagine why….. but she has now started criticizing the way I pronounce words, this from a girl that says “crick” for creek, I’m not kidding.
Shout out to Athens Infusion and Pharmacy……hey y’all, miss you.
Kudos to the folks out here for your zoning, y’all, 90% of the homes and businesses blend in with the landscape and I’m talking even the outskirts that have Walmart, McDonalds. The long ridges that have the adobe homes, you almost can’t even see them. The people here have such a respect for the land. In Taos, most of the reviews of the restaurants listed organic foods. I feel sure that many of the people we saw yesterday are the product of the communes that were here in the 60’s.
Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin
On the evening news last night from Albuquerque:
A UFO sighting, they described as flashing lights going across the sky from horizon, red, blues, yellows, no one knows what it was. It was first sighted in Albuquerque, Las Vegas (NM), then 5 minutes later Santa Fe, then Taos. Some think it was space trash, or a meteor, many others believing it was something grander. We missed it since we were holed up in our room with the Merlot. Kathy says it was well wishers for my birthday from heaven.
The strange thing is there is nothing on the news this morning or in the paper, are they trying to squelch this???????
In the newspaper this morning there was a big article about the GA FL game, we are famous even out west and we’d like to take this opportunity to say “Go Dawgs”! Shout outs to Ann Hunt and the gang who will be at the King and Prince, to Beth, Russell, Tuna Can and all the Drayer Dawgs, and to Tommy, Sam, and Bobby you better win the golf tourney!
Shout out to Julie, how did the Pong game go?
Perfect send off as we are leaving Albuquerque, a hot air balloonist having ride this morning as we drive out of the city. Another observation, the expressways here are painted the adobe color and are decorated with Indian symbols. On some of the overpasses there is metal artwork that is fabulous.
We just had a Thelma and Louise moment. Kathy is trying to get on I-40 West, back to California, I grab the wheel and head her EAST!
We made it to Oklahoma City and checked into a really nice Best Western. I will supply details of Wednesday and post tonight. We are very grateful to be here safe and sound and happy!
Keep those messages coming, we love them!


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