Savannah - Southern Charm

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May 9th 2008
Published: May 9th 2008
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Well here I am in Savannah, Georgia.....a place full of charm. It's a beautiful city made up of tree lined streets and shady squares. You can almost imagine the ladies of many years ago having picnics and entertaining their southern gentleman.
As you walk through the historical district the smell of jasmine and honeysuckle lingers through the air. People here speak with a southern drawl which is pleasing to listen to. By noon the sun beats down and most people seek refuge in one of the 21 dappled squares.
This place has been the setting for a number of famous films over the years, 'Glory', 'Forces of Nature', 'Forrest Gump' and 'Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil '- more commonly referred to as 'The Book'. This re-tells the true story of a respectable and wealthy man named Jim Williams (played by Kevin Spacey in the film) who shot to death his young male 'friend' in his study of Mercer House and the following scandalous trial that ensued....Many of the places described in the book are still unchanged and evoke an air of mystery of what lies beyond those shutters and iron facades.
I take a trolley ride to get aquainted with city. The guide explains about the trees - they have this wiry cotton hanging from them and years ago they used to stuff their mattresses with it. Unfortunately the trees contained a small bug and hence the saying 'don't let the bed bugs bite'. Also years ago, during the civil war, one of the armies camped on the cemetary grounds...they altered the headstones to show people dying before they were born, or added 0's to the ages of people!
I seriously lucked in on the accomodation stakes....most of the rooms here are $250 a night, however I find the Savannah International Pensione, a little worn around the edges but I have room, sitting area, kitchen and bathroom all for $60 a night...Bargain!
Savannah doesn't change for you, you change for Savannah....after 4 days of being here I get used to the slow pace of life. I spend my mornings exploring the historical district, having lunch in an outdoor cafe and afternoons in the park reading or watching the world go by. Savannah is one of those places where you intend on doing a lot ....but actually don't end up doing much.
This is truely a southern town where men are men and women take care of the kids. Harleys and trucks speed past echoing country tunes and people refer to me as Maam.
It's strange being in a place where people say hello wherever you go - In England you would be lucky if anyone makes eye contact - I even get into a routine of saying hello first. They love my accent and I enjoy being special for a short while. I find that in conversation everyone has a some small link to the UK, like this makes them better in some small way.
The sun is sooo hot here, I'm feeling very well done, if a little on the crispy side - I even get my legs out (people are hastily putting on their sunglasses to prevent the glare) they haven't seen the sun in decades.
I take the bus to Memphis.... leaving during the day whilst it is still light, gives me an opportunity to see some of the countryside around me. My fellow passengers include 1) Two guys which hardly speak any English 2) A redneck (complete with army surplase hat) and his wife..who insist on sitting on opposite sides of the bus and having a conversation. Fortunately the noise of their chatter is drowned out by the rattling of the decrepid bus we are on, and 3) A girl who wakes up and annouces she is travelling accross the USA to an arranged marriage with a man she doesn't love! We stop in Dublin...otherwise known as Hicksville USA, two other guys join us looking as if they have just been released from the nearest state prison, a sudden odour of beer engulfs the back of the bus....I think I may pass out from the fumes! America is certainly a strange place! This is the last of my overnight journeys by bus....thank god!!!

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