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March 11th 2008
Published: March 13th 2008
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Day One!!

Glenn wanted to be on the road this morning at 6am. But, after talking to my mom and remembering what I’m like in the morning he pushed the start time back a bit. We were on the road at 7:30am.

After saying goodbye to my family, another reason we left later, I jumped straight into the passenger seat. I had no makeup on or contacts in my eyes because I knew I was going straight back to sleep. I managed to stay awake for the first hour, slept, ate, slept, ate, bathroom break, slept & ate. That must be why Glenn calls me his baby. Glenn drove for the first nine hours of the trip. He bravely drove for hours in off and on again showers throughout Washington & Oregon.

I was lucky—I started driving when we hit the mountains going into California. A much curvier road than Glenn had to drive. Is two hours of slow curves equal to nine hours of flat & straight? I was surprised to see so much snow in the mountains of California in March. It was even more surprising since it was 50*. I have to admit that I like driving south and watching the thermostat go up much more than driving north.

After eleven or so hours on the road, we used the GPS with AAA feature to find a town that had nice accommodations for us—Willow, CA.

I must admit, there are huge advantages to being the primary blog writer. I get to record all the goofy things Glenn says, and edit all the goofy ones I blurt out. The first conversation of the trip begins: “Turn this on” Glenn requests as he points to the in-car GPS system. “No.” “Why not?” Glenn pouted. “Because it’ll start talking and won’t shut up.” “You do that.” I laughed it off and quickly reprimanded “that is going in the blog.”

Yet another Glennism….Sign reads: Report Traffic Problems Glenn says “Yeah, there’s too f***in’ much of it.”

Glenn gets pissy whenever a car is in front of him. He winges about cars that cannot maintain the same speed. “They speed up and slow down again. Why can’t they go the same speed?!” “Well, Glenn, slow down so that you’re not affected by it.” “But that just slows down my whole day.”


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