Hollywood To Hayward, First Step to Asia...

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December 25th 2006
Published: December 25th 2006
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I'm nothing like my dad. My brother is; in fact, they'd be twins if 50 years and a father-son relationship didn't separate them... I suppose I'm a bit more like my mother. We have some major similarities, especially when it comes to travel... For example, we both enjoy showering. If it's possible. And... hummm... We both will spend an extra dollar on lodging if it includes A/C.... We both tend to play it safe:

Dad: "What? Malaria??? I've had Malaria, Mom's had Malaria... It ain't a BIG DEAL..."
Dan: "Yea. Tard."
Me: "Excuse me. I just don't wanna die."
Dad: "And what makes you think you're going to die?"
Mom: "Bud... I almost did..."
Dad: "Yes... But the point is..."
Me: "I don't wanna die...."

I mention Malaria because I'm heading to Southeast Asia... You might look at the above conversation and conclude that I got the 'Off' spray and Malaria pills that I was asking for... Unfortunately, my mom isn't venturing with us on this trip... So it'll be Dad, Dan, and I- and no pills or 'expensive' bug spray.

I feel I haven't let you in on all the specifics... So let's take a look at the profiles:

Bud- The Marine- Eckert - My dad. He's a retired Marine and a Vietnam Veteran... He's missing a leg and was hit a couple other places... After the war he went to College and ended up as a High School and Middle School Principal... He just retired and is now implementing his list of "A Hundred Things To Do Before I'm a Croaker"... On that list: Southeast Asia... Hence this trip...

Daniel- The Wrestler- Eckert- My brother. He's a couple years younger than myself and we are a world's apart in terms of just about anything... He wrestles. I don't. I'm an actor. He's not. He loves Mr. George W. Bush... I'd... use a different word to describe how I feel about him...

Christopher- The full time Homosexual and part time Actor- Eckert-Me. What can I say, I'm fabulous? Um... I live in Hollywood. I'm an actor... That's what I do... I'm also gay! And if you re-examine the two profiles above you, you might see how this trip is sure to create some pretty intense memories.

The 3 of us. For a month. In Asia...

We'll be flying via Space-A - which is a complimentary service provided to those active duty military, retired, and dependents that are eligible. Basically, it's a free trip on a Military Cargo Plane to anywhere the service goes... And it looks like our first stop is to be Singapore...

I plan on updating this blog throughout my journey, each and every time I get a chance... I'll also post pictures if I can.... and if all goes accordingly, you might actually get a real taste of who I, my brother, and my father really are. We're pretty specific people, really, so it won't be too difficult.

I write from my old childhood room in Hayward, California... I just made the 6 hr. drive from Hollywood, and now I'm getting ready for Christmas... We are expected to try and catch a hop on the 1st. of January, New Years Day 2007... I'll update as the details become factual.

I think about the trip I'm about to take and know full-well that it could change my life... But man, I'm a little freaked as well... Can I actually stand listening to my dad snore for hours on end, days to weeks? We'll just have to wait and see...


6th January 2007

Youll be fine! Tell dad hi for me!

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