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October 25th 2007
Published: October 25th 2007
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Well, yesterday was the day we had been waiting for all week: it was the day that we found out our permanent teams for the next 9.5 months. After much contemplation I decided that the Fuel Reduction Team was not for me and didn’t submit the application for consideration. I did however take the Pack Test on Saturday, which was a 3 mile walk in a 45 lb. vest which had to be completed in 45 minutes. I finished 5 seconds after but they gave me the final application to fill out anyway. Finding out our permanent teams was exciting and never-wrecking at the same time. As we knew coming into the program Sandra and I probably wouldn’t end up on the same team, as this is the biggest class ever with 475 people which is broken down into teams of 12, we knew that the odds weren’t for us. Yet until yesterday afternoon we still had a little hope. However, we weren’t placed on the same teams and although we knew it was coming and realize everything happens for a reason, we were both kind of sad about it. But, we’ve moved on and are learning about our new teammates. I was placed on GOLD 4 as my team. I am one of 12 members, only 3 of which are boys, so that’s kind of depressing as well. On first impression our Team Leader seems pretty cool and levelheaded so it will be a successful and productive year as we “get things done.”

The training’s have started full force and surprisingly haven’t been too boring. We were supposed to have our Red Cross Disaster Relief training on Monday but all of the trainers were deployed to Southern California to help with the forest fires, so our training has been temporarily postponed.

This morning at 6:30am we had Baseline, although that is super early, it is an hour later than we will be waking up starting next week to do Physical Training (5:20am ahh). We had 2 minutes to do sit-ups, 2 minutes for pushups and a timed 1.5 mile run. This is what I had been training for all summer and I feel as though I didn’t live up to my expectations. I was able to do 63 sit-ups, 15 pushups and it took me 15:41 to run the mile and half. Eh.

Now that we are on our permanent teams you can ALL send me MAIL!!! Don’t think about not sending me mail when I’m gone because it all gets forwarded to my project location, and I can still receive it.

My Address is:

Nicole Schara
Gold 4
AmeriCorps *NCCC
3427 Laurel St.
McClellan CA 95652

Peace, Nicki


25th October 2007

Hi It was great hearing from you. Happy to hear you are doing well. Will try to get a letter or at least a card out to you shortly. What does the pack tean do? Say hi to Sandra for me. Keep in touch. LOL Gram.
26th October 2007

My address is the same, except change Nicole's name to my name hehe, and I'm on RED 7.
26th October 2007

Go Team
I like your team name, it fits you...precious commodity. I hope you get along well with your team and make lifetime friendships. I know they'll be able to count on you in all things. I wish I could've helped you in your Baseline testing, but I guess you get your athletic ability from your Mother. Keep working hard. How did Power Tools go? Send more pictures. Love ya dearly. Pops
28th October 2007

Yo Nicki!
So glad your Mom got me connected to your blog this time. I just caught up with all your previous posts from your last trip, too! What a vibrant life and an extraordinary soul you have. Your philosophies on life are exquisite! I wish you well and please know that you and Sandra are in my prayers. Keep those pictures coming!!!! We old folks are living vicariously through you, you know? With love and hugs, GB

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