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April 12th 2007
Published: April 12th 2007
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Today is the Day

The last day of work !

Today we head to the SanFrancisco Airport for our 21 hour extreme REDEYE to Bangkok and a 2 hour ride to Pattaya
where we will be checking in to the Poseidon Hotel. Hopfully we got some sleep on the flight so we can join in on the
songkron festival which will be in full swing.
I will do my best to keep the blog updated throughout the next 3 weeks, most likely it will be updated as we change
locations. And at least every couple of days or so in the longer stay locations like Koh Samui.

Thailand Trip 2007 Route Map


13th April 2007

Safe trip?
I wanted to be the first to write and see how your flight was. Can't wait for pictures!

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