This is for you LA

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June 11th 2008
Published: June 11th 2008
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Today Im excited tomorrow I fly to Vegas. Yes its party time. So Sunday I went to the Baseball San Diego Padres vs New York Mets. The Stadium is right in Downtown SD which is kinda weird. Its pretty new and it has one of them crazy american type sponsors Petco i love how the new stadiums have these sponsors.
So we sat down I was surprised at the amount of Mets fans considering the distance I guess they must live that way now. So behind us was these 3 marines and a woman. One who was loudly cheering on the Mets (pretty much on his own) but in good humour. Then around the 7 inning ( about 3 hours in) the guys behind us where pretty drunk. Anyway the woman spilt her beer on John G (who sounds like Spicolli from Fast times at ridgemount high) he was annoyed as you would be because they were being dicks when she spilt it. So an argument started that resulted in one of the guys repeating hold my beer bitch to john and then he stared at him the rest of the game. The same guy said some really racist stuff to one of the vendors selling lemonade which everyone around didn't like. It was a weird atmosphere for the rest of the game. The Padres won it with a 3 run homer in the 8th innings.

Sunday night i went with Dan to hang with the guys out of Northern Towns and play Wii. They were self recording a track they wanna put on a 7". I didn't get to hear it because the guy recording it was having a drunken domestic with his lady. I have a bunch of demo's for guys back home.

On Monday I went to Dan's Shop TUK and got a new fred and a fred Jumper $132 for both bargain. Then we went for lunch and to the world famous San Diego Zoo. Its a big zoo that treats the animals well and has some endangered species. I saw my first Polar Bear jesus they have big paws. They have a panda too. The worst thing was because we got there late we didn't have much time. A lot of the animals were asleep but we still got to see a lot like a massive Anaconda some gorilla's.

Last night we went on a drive to the beach and we were going to go to Midget ville which is where the midgets from Wizard of Oz moved to after the film. My luck the way it is the road to it was closed as part of the mountain had eroded and caused a big landslide.

So today i went to get a phone to use in the US my number is 001 619 265 6652. So if you wanna call or text me say on Friday (my birthday) feel free but please remember I am 8 hours behind.

So i came to LA Im in a hotel near LAX so i can get my flight tomorrow. While i was on my way i bumped into a couple from New Zealand who i sat with at breakfast in the hostel in San Francisco. Small world we chatted on the way to Lax where they were staying before they set off to New York tomorrow.

So I just watched the Basketball and now Im gonna go to bed....

Much love



13th June 2008

what the ...
" Midget ville which is where the midgets from Wizard of Oz moved to after the film" ...are you kidding me?

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