Joshua Tree Nat'l Park

Published: August 18th 2010
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We drove all around the park on Wednesday. It was interesting, but truly a desert!!

We left for Lake Havasu early in the afternoon. We were on a mission to dump our holding tanks, so finally found a state park right in town. We ended up staying there, and it turned out that our campsite was right on the lake. Nice!! We got situated and headed to town...had dinner at the Mudshark Brewery. The new movie "Piranha" was apparently filmed there, so they were having specials...I had the piranha fish tacos 😊

We drove over the London Bridge...yes, I thought it was a farce, but apparently the original developer for Lake Havasu had purchased it and had it shipped from London. Bought it for $2.5MM and it cost $7MM to ship...jeez!! Apparently they revamp the London Bridge every so often, and that time (in the mid-60's) they sold it to raise funds to redo the bridge in London...anyway, we found a little "pub" with a view of the bridge and they had wifi, so we spent a bit catching up with "life" 😊

It was 106 in LH when we arrived, and it only cools down to about 90 overnight...jeez...we couldn't wait to get out of there!! I had a dip in the lake while G was buttoning up the coach. We stopped at "In & Out Burgers" for my initiation!! It was a pretty good burger for $2 😊 Then we hit the road headed to the Grand Canyon!!

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