Day 6 in L.A. - Thurs

Published: September 9th 2008
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Sorry, I am behind in my blog. Stephanie and I were having fun. I was lazy... 😊 I'll try to catch up soon!

Thurs I didn't do much. I woke up late-ish. Did a bit of work. Stephanie was working from home so I think I bothered her a bit. Watched TV.

Then I went to have my nails done. Gotta love America again! Last last dec when I had gel nails done it cost me $100 JUST for my gel nails. I went to this vietnamese spa place near stephanie's and got my gel nails AND pedicure done for $67!! Mind you the toe girl did a cheapass job on my toe flower compared to the one I got in W. Van in July and of course they wouldn't talk to me the whole time I was there (even though I tried to start conversation) - and they kept blabbing away to each other in vietnamese and then you knew they were talking about me sometimes as then the lady was blabbing away to the other girl, then said something to me about the hairs on my toe or something.... Then they were blabbing away and then the lady said something about "pink and white" which is what I was getting. PLUS there was NO ONE else in the whole place, so they had to be talking about me. Whatever. Then Stephanie was mad at me as I tipped the gel nail girl $10 as it took her a long time and I think she did a good job. Then I gave the pedicure girl like $5. Stephanie said most people give them like $2!! Well, I'm from Vancouver. I'm not used to cheap labour 😊

While I am on this pro-America note and how everything is soo cheap here (I'll also talk about my shopping and cheap shoes in a later instalment) -- I was talking to stephanie about laser hair removal. Anyway, the gyst is that back home after you spend like $4,000 for the packages and 8 sessions --> if you still have to go back for follow up sessions you have to pay each session fee which is like $125 - $150 per session. BUT in America you pay the standard plan fee for 8 sessions (which is likely cheaper than $4,000) BUT THEN you get FREE UNLIMITED follow up for TWO YEARS!! And there are plenty of other examples where things are cheaper in America and "free"... I was just looking at a magazine today that shows all these apartments that will give you the first month's free or first month is only $99 , etc..... Why is EVERYTHING soo cheap and free in America? Maybe because one of America's theme songs is "God Bless America". God literally appears to bless america. Maybe Canada needs to start singing "God Bless Canada" ha ha ha. I'll leave that one for my sister to ponder 😊

Ok, back to my day. Then Stephanie and I left the house to go shopping and run errands. Then we came back home for later dinner that I had prepared for bar-b-q teriyaki chicken pieces, vegetables, garlic bread and I think we had potato salad.

Then we went to stephanie's office to print out my material as I have to mark UFE mock appeals tomorrow for students that failed mock and are appealing

Then more awesome TV watching.

I think that's it for Day 6 😊


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