Day 3 Labour Day

Published: September 5th 2008
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Today was such a good day. I slept in a bit and then woke up to Aaron singing to wake us up as he starts his day happy in case "God takes us" 😊

Aaron had a whole menu ready for breakfast and I had the choice of all types of breakfast meet, omelettes, fried eggs, pancakes, etc. I chose my little silver dollar pancakes - that's it. simple. Aaron made them sooo great. They were little and perfectly light brownish and then he heated the syrup to put on them. We all ate together out on the patio overlooking the water fountain area.

Then Stephanie and I stopped at her office to retrieve Aaron's Macy's gift card and Stephanie & I took Aaron shopping at guy Macy's. Macy's here in L.A. is SOOO huge. It has an entire ginormous store just for home furnishings / home stuff. Then a ginormous three floors for JUST men and then a ginormous store for JUST women. It's crazy. And the guys store was sooo weird. Like a twilight zone. Actual men shopping for themselves, helping themselves, trying stuff on themselves. Almost no women with them, helping them, etc. Who knew men actually went shopping alone without being forced to go shopping? Anyway, we made Aaron try on like 30 shirts. The most he's ever tried on 😊 And then this awesome dude working there - Adam - also got Aaron some awesome shirts. So we found Aaron FOUR shirts. Very productive. A beautiful black one with little holes punched in it, a beautiful white english laundry shirt (neither stephanie nor aaron had heard of them -- they are sooo nice and that's almost all Don wears now for years), this other girl white shirt with blue / read and stitching and one other -- can't remember. Then Stephanie & I went to the women's store and found NOTHING. Hmm, it usually sucks big time when all the guy stuff is on sale and lots there, etc. and nothing for women. I just wanted a pair of flip flops - not a single pair fit me. How do you screw up flip flop sizing? 😊

Then we dropped Aaron at his friend's house and Stephanie & I had a great time having lunch at Hurricanes Bar on main street, walking down and window shopping and buying my flip flops. Then we had milkshake at Rubys at the end of the pier. Sooo great. I love Ruby's - like the 50's diner theme again and all decorated in coke paraphanelia. Isn't America great? They have SOOO many 50's themed restaurants -- Johnny Rockets, Ruby's and the one I'll be going to soon at the Stratosphere. Why don't we have these back home? Then Stephanie & I rolled up our pants and walked and walked on the beach just in the water. Chatting away and swishing in the water and having a nice time...

I think just by walking around my v-neck part of neck and arms are getting tanned 😊

Then we picked up Aaron and all had a nice dinner at home again. Aaron & Stephanie made little cheeseburger sliders on their new grill. They were sooo good. I love sliders. They are the perfect size for me 😊

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