Hanging out with J P Getty

Published: June 5th 2017
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It seems the agreed 7am start to the day was too late for some this morning, but that's OK as they tipped toed around like elephants (no names). Up at 6am meant it was no problem getting the Mustang back to Budget by 9am this morning. Jeff took the driver's seat for the final fling in the Blue Devil which he really enjoyed (And we got a refund on the useless GPS they hired us which made Jeff very happy).

We had a few chores to do this morning in preparation for the ride. We went to a bike shop to get some gels and to the local T-Mobile shop to get a couple of phones online. We asked and were assured that we'd have great service across America - we didn't want hassles with communication so this was essential. We then headed off to the J Paul Getty Museum on special request from Tom. I must admit I was a bit dubious about the destination but it was simply amazing. From the cable car tram that took you from the car park to the museum, to the amazing architecture of the museum itself, to the stunning gardens, it was all sensational. We spent about 3 hours there and Tom reckons the best part about it was the free entry.

We came straight home from the museum to try and organise tomorrow's shuttle ride to Carson to pick up the RV as we had decided that the quoted price of a private shuttle bus of $320 USD was just a bit too much. So instead the plan will be to ride our bikes there (about 20km), pick up the RV, come back to El Segundo and pack our luggage before starting the ride. The first day will obviously be shorter this way so we'll have a few Kms to make up after that.

Some friends of Jeff happen to be passing thru LA and they dropped over for a visit in the afternoon. Tonight we plan to all catch up and go out for a late dinner at Venice Beach. I'm not sure a late night and big meal is ideal training but hey, we're on holiday.

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5th June 2017

Go Amigos!
Wow, what a packed few days you've all had! Sounds like it might be good to get out of the city, let that jet lag go and start to enjoy the ride!! Never too old to polish up your patience and friendship skills! So cool that you old friends are experiencing this adventure together! Thanks for the blog Mark, it's great! Anne, Berry and Red

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